Custom Bobbins
This guide will help you with custom orders. Click each item below to get more information.

Bobbin has either the same size whorls, or different sizes.

Antique bobbin, has a worl on one end, and a cone or dome on the other.

Bobbin has different whorls, and has a spacer disk to allow yarn to fill completely.
If your bobbin doesn't match any of these, I can probably still make it. Skp step 2 and send me picutres of your bobbin. I will contact you for more information.
Measure each of the numberd parts. Also measure the diameter of the hole.
To get the fastest response please send a message on Etsy.
You may also send an email to [email protected]
After I have reviewed and inputed all the meaurements I will email you a link to view your bobbin design. Bobbin designs can be viewed on a smartphone but best viewed on a computer.